A place for children to thrive

What is Montessori Education?

The Montessori method is a thoughtful and purposeful approach to education which emphasizes children's innate ability to direct their development when given the opportunity and tools. Parents who choose a Montessori school for their children do so because of this emphasis on self-directed learning, the multi-age grouping environment, and dedication to individual growth.
The method's emphasis on multi-age grouping benefit children in many ways. Children of differing education levels, abilities, and ages are grouped together and taught to learn from one another. Younger children begin to emulate the older children's attitudes and behavior, and older children learn about caring and mentoring their younger classmates.

Montessori schools inspire confidence, nurture the child's innate desire for learning, discovery, and social interaction skills in an environment where teachers are encouraging, engaging and value the individual child. Children learn how to learn, and this prepares each child for future academic and social excellence.

Montessori education has achieved world-wide recognition and success. This condensed explanation will acquaint you with the many advantages Montessori offers your child:
“All of our handling of the child will bear fruit, not only at the moment, but in the adult they are destined to become.” — Maria Montessori

  • The Montessori method has been time tested for 75 years and has achieved success throughout the world with children.
  • Montessori is totally positive environment for your children.
  • In the scientifically prepared environment of the true Montessori school, the child develops the prime elements of character; freedom, concentration, independence, self-discipline, industry, sense of reality...in an atmosphere of cooperation.
  • Each child is taught individually.
  • The child's natural development of language is utilized in the process of learning to read.
  • Children have the unique opportunity to fulfill their potential.
  • Children work at their own pace and their own level.
  • Habits and skills developed in a Montessori classroom remain for a lifetime.
  • Though much has been said about the academic achievements of Montessori children, the true value lies in the self-discipline, self-mastery and love of learning the children achieve.
*From: New Westminister Montessori Society